
Deburring is, to put it simply, a finishing method used in industrial settings and manufacturing environments. Metal is frequently machined using many processes in order to create pieces of specific shape and size, and it may be welded, molded, cast, trimmed, slit or sheared. These procedures often create ragged edges or protrusions. The raised particles and shavings that appear when metal blanks are machined are referred to as burrs, and the process by which they are removed is known as deburring.

There are several methods that can be used to remove burrs. Abrasive substances may be applied, or abrasive cloths may be used to rub the metal in order to remove thin shavings and small notches, as well as to polish the piece. In other cases, sanding may be necessary, whether this means a small amount of sanding by hand or rigorous sanding with a machine for more troublesome deformities.

Other methods require repetitive filing or use of a grinder to smooth away nicks and fragments. Deburring and polishing may be necessary for more than one section of a metal component, since burrs and shavings can occur on seams as well as edges. All surfaces need to be completely smooth.

Deburring is important for quality, aesthetics, functionality, and the smooth operation of working parts. It is also important for safety, since even a small notch can cause moving parts to catch, creating the potential for accident, injury, or unnecessary delay in production. Rough edges can also cause injury when individuals are required to handle blanks. Each of these preventable problems can cost companies a great deal of money.

It's also necessary to remove burrs in woodworking. When pieces of wood are cut, ripped, or shorn, wood blanks can also develop rough areas, often in the form of shavings, chips or splinters. With wood, the most common methods of smoothing the piece are sanding and filing. Sanding may be accomplished with a power sander, or simply by touching up the worst spots by hand. Edges may also be finished with a router.

歡迎來到利豐行的世界,首先恭喜您來到這接受新的資訊讓產業更有競爭力,我們是提供精密表面處理的代理商,應對廠商高品質的表面處理需求,我們可以協助廠商滿足您對產業的不同要求,我們有能力達到非常卓越的表面處理品質,這是現有相關技術無法比擬的,表面處理技術皆集中於去毛邊, 去毛刺, 導角, 精密研磨,拋光, VTD PVD工具鍍膜, 光學鍍膜 optical coating, 金屬濺鍍 metallization, absolute chemie 精密CVD/PVD退鍍工藝和 EMAG Precision Electrochemical Machining 精密電化學加工技術 (ECM / PECM) 取代放電加工), EMAG 硬車削/乾式車削 hard turning, Koepfer 滾齒(齒輪加工製造) 技術, Reinecker, KARSTENS 內外圓研磨外圓+內圓曲面磨削, Naxos-Union曲柄軸研磨, 凸輪軸, KOPP非圓研磨, SW中心加工機, EMAG 雷射焊接, 自動化設備.。我們成功的滿足了各行各業的要求,包括:精密需求高的軸承盒、射出成型的模具、高壓空氣閥、航太零配件、超高硬度的切削刀具、醫療配件及汽車用精密五金等等。我們的產品涵蓋了從桌上型到工業級的生產設備;從微細零配件到大型五金配件;從小型生產到大型量產;從半自動到全自動整合;我們的技術可提供您連續生產的效能,我們整體的服務及卓越的技術,恭迎您親自體驗. 






7) Is there any need to change-over from manual deburring to automated deburring?
- anon333645
6) I had no idea what a deburrer was until now. It sounds fascinating. I think I will apply for that job I just saw advertised in the Tulsa World. Does anyone know if experience is necessary to get a job as a deburrer. I don't have any experience as a deburrer.
- anon138866
5) Deburring is basically smoothing the rough edges or any other part of the metal that needs a smooth surface finish. With regards to drawings, the grit of the sanding medium may also be specified especially in relation to the type of material that needs to be deburred since they all have varying scales/grades of hardness.

Flash is usually the excess metal commonly seen in die casting and closed die forging due to extreme pressures applied during which a good portion of the material is squeezed out of the mold/die in the metal forming process.
Deflashing is removal of flash by applying pressure with the aid of trimmer presses fitted with a corresponding upper and lower mold/die halves shaped in accordance with the outline of the finished metal part and usually made sharp at the surrounding edges for cutting purposes much like blades.

The force applied is usually strong enough to fracture this excess metal upon impact with the mold/die halves thereby causing it to fall-off or separate from at the boundaries of the finished part.

Sawing/grinding is also another means to deflash, either with the aid of manual or automatic machines like power tools and bandsaws to perform the cutting off procedures around the finished part.
- anon55340
4) What is the difference between deburring and deflashing? Is there any considerable difference between these terms?
- anon29162
3) Are there any specifications for deburring? I am looking for something to reference on manufacturing drawings.
- jheron
2) Deburring also includes using media (for example ceramic rock) to deburr metals in a vibrating equipment such as a tumbler.
- anon24369
1) Great explanation! Full of related vocabulary, very useful! Thanks
- anon19241

- anon333645

- anon138866






- anon55340

- anon29162

- jheron

- anon24369

- anon19241


OTEC公司專門研發製造金屬和非金屬的精密表面處理技術及設備,如:切削刀具的鎢鋼和高速鋼之表面處理,並廣泛為世界級大廠所採用如:Guhring oHG;Iskar等等。利豐行引進最先進的去毛邊, 去毛刺, 導角, 精密研磨和拋光技術,並希望提供台灣廠商提昇產業競爭力及生產效益和使用壽命。OTEC精密表面處理技術被認定為世界的領導者之一。去毛邊, 去毛刺, 研磨拋光、邊緣導角、功能性、裝飾性,這些精密表面處理技術除了令人讚嘆外,OTEC的技術整合還考量到生產者的需求,讓生產者在質量上和效益上及成本上有一個完美的平衡。機械操作除了更人性化還能額外整合生產者目前的製造設備。OTEC的產品兼具美觀及實耐用,不佔空間卻能在最小的單位中創造出最大的質量,當你採購了OTEC的設備後,除了擁有出眾的表面處理技術讓您的競爭力提升外,當客戶拜訪您公司時也不免對您令眼相看而發出讚嘆,OTEC是您生意的好伙伴。

另外有 EMAG ECM GmbH (ECM / PECM / uECM) 精微電化學加工技術在未來各種細微加工應用中佔有極大的優勢。該技術之優點係在於其加工能力與材料硬度無關,且能加工出微細及形狀複雜之表面結構,經由該製程加工後之產品表面具有粗糙度佳、無殘留應力及無裂縫產生, 無毛邊刺等優良特性,常應用於航太、光電半導體、醫療器材、綠色能源、模具等產業上,本次研討會中特別邀請國內外知名學者及專家,介紹於精微電化學領域內之各種加工技術,可應用於燃料電池雙極板、生物晶片、微流體動壓軸承、微噴嘴、次世次流體分配閥元件、模具等產品加工上,機會難得,精彩可期。 EMAG ECM GmbH為精密電化學切削的工程公司,其領先的技術,已在精密電化學切削領域達到量產化的水準。供顧客PECM精密電化學切削生產技術和客制化的製程設備。 Electrochemical machining / pulse electrochemical machining / precise electrochemical machining.Electro chemical machining (ECM) is a method of removing metal by an electrochemicalprocess. It is used for working extremely hard materials or materials ...
利豐行著重於表面處理之前後製程技術,提供客戶individual & total finishing solutions 的整合作業,協助產業提升效能並降低成本。
電話:+886 (04) 2355-2327
傳真:+886 (04) 2355-2457
407 1F No.2. 36th Rd., industry Park, Taichung City, Taiwan, R.O.C
本館專門提供 OTEC 表面處理技術皆集中於去毛邊, 去毛刺, 導角, 精密研磨,拋光, deburring, smoothing and polishing. 還有VTD PVD 超硬工具鍍膜 tool coating, 精密光學鍍膜 optical coating, 真空金屬鍍膜 metalization 和 absolute chemie PVD/CVD 退鍍工藝和 EMAG ECM / Precise Electrochemical Machining 精密電化學加工技術, 去毛邊刺, EMAG 硬車削/乾式切削 hard turning, Koepfer 滾齒加工製造技術, Reinecker, KARSTENS外圓研磨+內圓曲面磨削, Naxos-Union曲柄軸研磨, 凸輪軸, KOPP非圓研磨, SW中心加工機, EMAG 雷射焊接, 自動化設備. 其它非相關資料純粹供同好分享.  


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